Dart 26th March 2020

The DART Craft Club is being launched to provide ideas to help fill the time for those in isolation as a result of COVID-19. It is aimed at everyone – adults and children.
The idea is to pull together two largescale Community Artworks, where all contributions produced by the community will be pulled together into two large pieces of art, along with weekly projects for adults and children to do as and when they feel like it. We then hope to have a “Coronavirus” exhibition of everything produced as a result of the club at some point in the future, once community gatherings are allowed again.
The two Community Artworks will be:

  1. A blanket:
    • made up of as many knitted or crocheted squares as are produced by the community; these can be any stitch, any design, any colour, so long as they are all the same size (size details to be sent out early next week!)
  2. A giant collage:
    • we will create a backdrop of land and sea, and what we want everyone else to do is to create birds, animals, butterflies, farm machinery, boats etc. for us to stick onto the backdrop to make a giant picture of our beautiful East Lothian countryside and coastline. They can be drawn or painted, or created using glued on fabrics, feathers, leaves etc. – let your imaginations run wild! The things that you create can be any size, so long as no single bird, animal (or whatever) is bigger than an A4 sheet of paper. And they can be drawn by any age group – adults and children alike.

Details of the individual ad hoc projects will be sent out each week to everyone who expresses an interest in receiving them. We also hope to have a dedicated Facebook page to communicate via (more details to come later!) Our aim will be to make the projects as varied as possible, and to try to stick to materials that people will already have in their home or garden, or, if not, that they will be able to get hold of relatively easily.

The Craft Club is being led by Miranda Mayes, supported by Maggie Cramond. If you are interested in being part of the Craft Club and receiving weekly information and instructions for different craft projects, please contact Miranda by email on:


If you don’t have access to email, please call 07802 419752 and leave a message and your phone number so that she can get back to you.

All instructions for individual weekly craft projects will be sent out via email to those with an email account, or will be delivered by DART Coordinators to your house if you don’t have email.

If you don’t have the materials at home to enable you to undertake a craft project that you would like to do, and you aren’t able to order any online, you can contact Miranda and she will arrange to get them to you – in a “safe” manner!