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Latest News – February 2018

I am still recovering from a long illness and only managing a handful of customers at the moment. If you can collect and return your equipment, that will be fine for the time being. I’m hoping to spend a little more time on my Accessibility website,, which offers accessible software for blind and visually impaired computer users. I hope to expand this website to include more solutions for people who suffer from other disabilities, including:

  • Visual impairments.
  • Hearing impairments.
  • Adult English language tutorials.
  • Aphasia suffers.
  • Loss of speech.
  • Reading and / or speech impairments through stroke or injury.

If you think you might be interested in any of this, keep an eye on I will probably merge RWF Talking Software with the Dirleton PC Doctor website in the near future, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.

Latest News – November 2017

A little information on changing Kaspersky’s scheduled scan settings. Click the link to find out how to adjust them to suit your own productivity.

Latest News – May 2017

A month for ransomware, scammers and worrying about your online security. It doesn’t have to be a time for worrying. With a few simple steps you can safeguard your memories, your information, your business and financial interest. Just give me a call and I’ll make sure you’re up to date, safe and backed up! I’m taking bookings for system and security checks now if you’d like to email me or give me a call on 01620850284. Alternatively, you can text 07557353862.

Latest News – January 2017

Happy New Year! I’m taking bookings now if you’d like to email me or give me a call on 01620850284. Alternatively, you can text 07557353862.

There’s a new Microsoft Windows 10 bug affecting network settings. You may find that you lose internet connectivity altogether because of this. I can sort this for you and get you back online, getting your equipment checked out and given a health check at the same time.

Latest News – June 2nd 2016: Wifi at Home / Small Business

Are you having wifi issues at home? Large houses may need wireless extenders or repeaters set up to ensure complete coverage. Wouldn’t it be nice if they all had the same wireless name and shared the same password? Wouldn’t it be great if you could just move from room to room without having to join a different wireless network in your own home. Give me a call on 01620850284 and we’ll get you sorted out.

Latest News – April 29th 2016: Windows 10

Now is a good time to decide, once and for all, whether or not you’re going to update to Windows 10. For the everyday computer user, here are the pros and cons:


  • Faster startup time.
  • Longer support life.
  • It’s free until 29th July 2016.
  • Easier interface (once its set up properly!).
  • My Windows 10 Upgrade Service ensures a safe and reliable upgrade process.


  • Some software products may not work once the upgrade is complete.
  • The upgrade can fail if not performed on a clean system
  • You may not be able to return to your old system if the upgrade fails.
  • Data loss and Windows license key loss can occur if the system is not cleaned beforehand.
  • Any viruses and malware on your old system will be transferred to the Windows 10 upgrade.

My best advice is to give me a call on 01620850284 and discuss your options. I can either clean and optimise your existing system, suppressing the Windos 10  upgrade if you don’t want it or I can clean and optimise your system before upgrading to Windows 10. After the upgrade, I’ll set up Windows 10 exactly the way you want it to work. All existing printers, software peripherals will work as they did before the upgrade. The Windows 10 Start screen will also be optimised for your needs and not the needs of the Microsoft marketing machine.


Latest News – April 8th 2016: Windows 10

Microsoft have stated that the free upgrade to Windows 10 is available until 29 July 2016. Once you upgrade, you’ll have Windows 10 for free on that device.

If your computer system is eligible, I recommend that you take advantage of my Windows 10 upgrade service. My method is completely safe as I create a full backup copy of your system before the migration takes place. I also perform many essential tests outlined here that will ensure that your conversion goes smoothly.

Latest News – January 18th 2016: Self Promoting my Novel

I’ve just published my first novel, Beyond the Starport Adventure. It can be found on the Kindle store by clicking this link. Its a lot of reading for very little money. Its a science fiction piece that will appeal to anyone who enjoyed Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Silent Running, Star Trek, Blakes 7, Logans Run, etc.

Latest News – January 2016: Happy New Year!

Welcome to the New Year! I have some bargain clearance PCs and equipment for sale right now. You can find them by clicking this link.

Latest News – October 2015: Special Offers

I have some great offers right now for factory reconditioned laptops. They’re supplied with a 1 year warranty and I will set them up for you so they are exactly the way you want them. Ideal Christmas gift for the younger members of the family with the Dirleton PC Doctor peace of mind.

Latest News – June 2015: Windows 10

You may have noticed the cute little Windows 10 icon at the bottom right of your screen. This is Microsoft’s effort to have all its Windows 7 and Windows 8 customers move to the same new operating system. I don’t expect that the transition will go as smoothly as Microsoft promises and I’m here to help when it does not. Just give me a call and I’ll sort out any niggles for you. I’m happy to handle the whole upgrade itself when time time comes, if you would prefer this.

Latest News – June 2015: Website Designs

New website design in place. Please be patient whilst we iron out the issues with it. Meanwhile, you can find the legacy website here.

Latest News – May 2015: Encryption Ransomware

Malware that encrypts your files and demands a hefty fee to unlock them is on the increase. This can be particularly tricky, even for someone like me. If you have been affected by this kind of scam, turn your PC off as soon as possible and contact me immediately on 01620 850284. Most the time the encrypted files are lost forever – even if you pay the ransom – but there are technical loopholes that I can exploit that might just get back your precious files, photos and personal information.

Latest News – February 2015: Fake Support Calls

There has been another surge in bogus support persons. Additionally, the pensions calls are ongoing too. The goal of the bogus support caller is to install software on your PC. This allows him to control your PC remotely. They will usually install some legitimate tools also to justify the bill they will land you with – usually 130 pounds! Never mind. I can clean it all away for you.

Latest News – October 2014: Dogs Trust Appeal

We’ve supported Dogs Trust for many years. Now’s your chance to do so too. Join up and sponsor a dog today! Also, for every customer I have in November and December we’ll be making a £1 donation. Visit this page for more details…

3rd August 2014

Made some fantastic results converting a customer’s old Hi 8 movies and their mini DVDs into fantastic looking display shelf quality DVDs. Also updated the site to include three computers that I have for sale right now. Check out the For Sale section and don’t miss out.

29th July 2014

Can’t say I’m thrilled by the new website, but its definitely getting there. Have updated the contact details to improve the chances of finding me! Also, changed the big image to a single (favourite) instead of rotating through a bunch of them. Also added Diezel dog to the gallery. More gallery pictures coming soon…

25th July 2014

The website still has a generic look to it, but I’ve adjusted the colours to something a little more Scottish. Later, I’ll look out some off my nicer images and position them in the site.

24th July 2014

This website is a work in progress as I experiment with new styles and formats. I’m here on 07557353862 if you need me. The website will be beautiful soon – I promise. Meanwhile, click some of the links to find out more about my expertese.